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As winter sport starts around the Australia, Ankle support is more than ever a must for kids taking to the court whether it’s for Netball , Basketball or  Volleyball.  In an effort to protect their players, many top coaches and Physios alike are now strongly advising that good ankle support will prevent injuries or at the very least limit the extent of how badly you can hurt your ankle when you roll it on the court and several A.I.S. studies* in recent years have proved this.

“Too often you see kids in the Medical Bay at the local clubhouse being attended after a nasty fall spraining or damaging their ankle” said one Physio The best way to prevent this is by limiting the rotating movement of the ankle with either a Ankle Support/Brace/Guard  or a Rigid Strapping Tape. The problem is that the cost of Ankle Guards and using Rigid Strapping Tape can become very costly and unaffordable for many parents!

Support Guards Australia (SGA) saw a niche  several years ago where preventing your children from injury was not only for those who could afford it with traditional popular Ankle Guards over $100 a pair and the average roll of strapping tape at $10 a roll which lasts 2-3 games. SGA went out and sourced top quality products at affordable prices and setup and Online website. It was also important that they wanted to brand the product so customers could recognise that consistent quality unlike other generic ankle guards.

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